Sok latnivalo nem volt a varosban (max. a vilagitotorony meg a part), par kepet tettem fel, szep kisvaros, semmi extra. Elkezdtem lebarnulni egy-ket helyen, meg a vegen vmi szinem is lesz egy ev utan :)
Este csak kajaltunk (A KFC-s "elmenyekrol" mar irtam lejjebb) meg lekestuk a partyt, mert vagy 4 oraval tovabb maradtunk Newcastleban mint terveztuk. Sebaj, majd legkozelebb.
Tegnap pedig vegre bekoltoztem a szobamba az uj alberletben, egy tok kedves, fiatal cseh parral lakom, vasarnap megittuk az uveg tokajit, amit hoztam, utana meg ok bontottak egy uveg pezsgo bort, szoval eldumaltunk vagy este 10-ig. Aztan jo erzes volt berendezni az elso szobamat :) Es tulestem eletem elso (par) onallo mosasan es vasalasan is, senki nem serult meg es a ruham is tiszta, bar a mosogep centrifugaja kepes egy inget kb. 5-10 centis labdaccsa gyurni, szoval nem kell itt mar nagyon szaritgatni. Hala a jo minosegu vasalodeszkanknak (amely feldol ha rateszem a vasalot), este nem kellett altatni. A hatfajasom meg elmult reggelre.
Erdekessegek #5:
- alazatos kozelekedes: hala a vonatokon a 175-180 centis belmagassagnak, mindig meghajlok mindenki elott, az also es a felso szinten is)
- lassu munkatempo: itt a nyugi egy eleterzes, meg rohanni is gaz a vonat utan (kis is van a irva a peronnal egy hirdetes, az olyan rohanosoknak, mint en, h " Te 75 kg vagy a vonat 500 tonna, szerinted ki az erosebb?" Szerintem en, amig az ellenkezoje be nem bizonyosodik :)
- nincs kozponti futes, kozponti melegviz, sajat bojlered van mindenhol es az esovizet is ujrahasznositjuk
- nincs szelektiv szemetgyujtes, az uvegvisszavaltas is kezdetleges (na ez nagyon fajt!)
- Sydney lakossaganak 52%-a nem ausztral szarmazasu (szal a tobbseghez tartozom :)
Saturday we were at Newcastle (the nearest bigger village, approx 180km from Sydney - still counted as a suburb!). Nice weather, 26-28 degrees, clear sky, but the sun was still burning between 12-15:00, we could taste how will summer look like. I went with 7 other people, we picked up the rented car in the city, then after a trip of 2,5 hours we arrived. The beach was not too big, max 200ms wide, sandy. We were cool, so we went into the water a few meters away from the crowd, quoting from a guy " swimming between the flags are for girls only". Well, 30 minutes later a life-guard pulled him back to the flagged zone as he got stuck in a drift. It feels like an underwater vacuum-cleaner that wanna sip you into the ocean and you have to swim quite strongly not to get caught by it. Moral of the story: Swim between the flags unless you want to be sipped by the ocean. :) Just to let you know I my hair rubber got lost in the water, so nothing kept together my hair during the afternoon. I think I was in the TOP5 "must see" for the day. There were not many things to see in the city
There weren`t many things to see in the city (lighthouse, beach, that`s all), I uploaded some pics, nice town, nothing extra. I started to get suntanned at some parts of my body, maybe by the end of the year I will have some color. :)
We had a dinner in the evening (I already wrote about my KFC experiences below), then we missed the party as we were in a 4 hour delay comapred to what we planned. Nevermind.
Yesterday I finally moved in to my new room in the new apartment, I am sharing it with a nice, young Czech couple. On Sunday we drank the Tokaji I brought, then they opened a bottle of sparkling wine, so we chatted till 10 PM at least. Then it was a great feeling to pack and organize my room :) And had my first (couple of) separate washing and ironing too, nobody got injured and my clothes are clean as well. However the dryer of the washing machine can tear a shirt into a 5-10 cm ball, so I do not really have to dry them anymore :) Thanks to our extremely good quality ironing board (which is leaning down if I put the ironer on it), no force was needed in the evening to make me sleep. And my back did not hurt by the morning.
Interesting thingies #5:
- humble transportation: thanks to the 175-180 cm high ceilings in the train, I am always bowing in front of everybody on the upper and lower floor of the train as well :)
- slow working pace: here "chill" is a life motto, eg. it sucks to run after the train (it is written at the stations as well on an ad that " You weight 75 kg, the train weights 500 tonnes. Who do you think is stronger?" I believe it is me, until the opposite is proven :)
- no central heating, or central hot water, you have your own boiler and rain water is recycled as well
- no selective waste collection, and only basic recycling of glasses (this hurted me!)
- 52% of the population of Sydney is not originally from Australia (so I am in the majority :))
Szerintem is te vagy az erősebb, de ő keményebb! :)
Jó hogy ennyit írsz!
jó hogy ennyit írsz :P Kinek is van sok szabadideje :P
Azért ez a télen 25 fok nem rossz, el tudnám viselni (mert itt télen -2, nyáron 40 :P Szal mindenből kijut)...meg a homokos tengerpart sem hangzik ám rosszul!
A szobához meg gratula, az tök jó, ha jófej lakótársak vannak (az sem árt ám, hogy Európaiak....Emirátusiakkal izgalmas élményem volt, most meg majd kiderül az afrikai).
Arra meg majd kíváncsi leszek, hogy mennyire lassulsz be mire hazajössz :P
hat igen, nehez nagyon most a melo (meg mindig ilyen lightosan vagyunk befogva meg nincs fonok :) de azert egyre tobb a melo es erdekesebb)
hat ezt dobta most a gep, azert kiprobaltam volna milyebn mas kulturaju lakotarsakkal elni :) majd a kov varosban :)
sztem nagyon be fogok lassulni, de igazabol ez nem is lassu, hanem relaxed, szal nem idegeskedsz annyit, de a melot megcsinalod
na majd irok errol is valamikor
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