"A verseny, ami megallitja a nemzetet!"
Ez a Melbourne Kupa szlogenje. Na, ki tudja milyen sport ez?? Hmmm? Loverseny!
Sose gondoltam volna, hogy egy egesz orszag ennyire megszallott lehet valami irant. De hat mindig tanul az ember. Meg hat, azert kell nemi ego ahhoz, hogy ilyen szlogent adjunk valaminek. Meg ha ez a legkevesbe sem tulzas.
5 perce lett vege a futamnak, nagy elmeny volt, mar kezdem erteni mi vonzo lehet a loversenyben. Nezed nezed, folyamatosan valtozik az eredmeny, majd az utolso 10 masodpercben az egesz felborul es varod a celfotot. Iden Viewed nyert 1 centimeterrel, 3200m-en...
A bar, ahol voltunk dugig megtelt erre az 5 percre, mellettem egy szemre 70 eves neni fogadott eppen es kert meg udvariasan, h ne alljak be a kepbe :D
Amugy ma Melbourne allamaban (Victoria) es a fovarosi teruleteken munkaszuneti nap volt a Kupa miatt, es amugy egy tomott, baromi forgalmas varos (Sydney) kb. zombi volt a futam elott/utan (meg most is az, konkretan 5 ember es 5 auto volt az utcan). Hat igen, ez telleg egy eletforma itt :)
"A verseny, ami megallitja a nemzetet!"
"The race that stops the nation!"
This is the slogan of the melbourne Cup. Who knows which sport is this??? Hmmm??? Turf!
I have never ever thought that a country can be so addictied to something. Well, it is never too late to learn. And you need a certain ego to promote an event like this. Even if it is completely true.
5 minutes ago the race ended, it was a great experience, I started to understand what is so attractive in turf. You are watching it, the situation is changing in every second and then it turns upside down in the last 10 seconds and you are waiting for the photoat the finish. This year Viewed won by 1 cms in 3200m...
The bar where we were was full for that 5 minutes, next to me some 70 zrs old lady was betting on horses and asked politely that I should move further from the TV :D
Besides that today in the state of Melbourne (Victoria) and the capital territory was a national holiday because of the race and an otherwise completely crowded city (Sydney) was nearly empty like a zombie town before/during and after the race )well it is still empty, there were exactly 5 cars and passengers on the street). This is really a lifestyle here!
"The race that stops the nation!"
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