A Szulinapomon voltam magyar etteremben, ahol jofajta Tokajit ittam, brassoit ettem es haverok megleptek egy csillagszoros gundel palacsintaval. Olyan volt mint otthon, ugyhogy orultem neki, bar a nagy-magyarorszagos ereklyek a falon meg a terkepek engem kicsit frusztraltak, szerencsere, mas kozep-europai nem volt az etteremben :) Utana meg mentunk kicsit bulizni egy rendes ir pubba, ahol a "U2" jatszott, 4-5 szamot toltak, de azt nagyon jol. Elevation... :)
Emellett voltam gorog etteremben is, isteni a rendes gorog kaja, hatalmas jo fejek voltak a pincerek is (mindenhez annyi evoeszkozt/poharat hoztak, amennyien voltunk, mert nyilvan mindent kozosen eszunk, imadtam :)) utana pedig egy Ausztral egyuttes, a Cat Empire koncertjen. Hat beszaras jo koncert volt (bar ausztral modi szerint szinhazban volt es ultunk), ejjel meg gyorsan le is toltottem 3 albumot iTunesrol :) Azota is non-stop azt hallgatom. You Tube-on erdemes belehallgatni!!!
Februarban-Marciusban sporolas, az ejtoernyos tanfolyam 2000 dollarba fog fajni sajna uj arak szerint :( es aprilisban meg lesz STOMP koncert!!! Vegre 4 ev utan erre is eljutok, mar nezem mikor lehet lefoglalni a jegyeket :D Persze meg aprilisban husveti szunetkor 1 het szabi, meg ki kell talalni hova utazom meg kivel. Komoly dilemma am ez :)
I had a couple of cultural experiences in the last few weeks. First, I saw the Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I do not understand why was it nominated for many Oscars, however my Australian colleagues liked it, Anglo-Saxon tasteJ) and the Watchmen (nice and interesting movie, however I think I have to read the comic book as well to fully understand itJ)
On my birthday I was in a Hungarian restaurant, I drank great Tokaji, stew “Brasso” style and my mates surprised me with a Gundel style pancake with sparklers. It was as good as it is at home, however the Big-Hungary relics and maps on the wall were a bit frustrating, luckily, nobody else was from Central Europe J After that we went to party a bit to an original Irish pub, where “U2” was playing, they played 4-5 songs, but it was awesome! Elevation… J
Besides these, I have been to a Greek restaurant as well, original Greek food is amazing, the waiters were hilarious (they always brought as many cutlery/glasses as we were, as of course we would like to share all the food we order, loved it! J) then we went to a concert of a famous Australian band called The Cat Empire. It was a fucking cool concert (although it was in a theatre and we were sitting – Australian style) so during the night I downloaded 3 albums from iTunes and I am listening to it since then! It very much worth to check it on You Tube!
February-March is more about saving money, the parachuting course will cost app. $2000 according to the new prices L And in April there will be STOMP concert, so after 4 years I can see them as well J And of course during Easter holiday I will have a week vacation, so we have to decide where and with whom to travel. It is a tough decision! J
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