Thursday, 23 April 2009


Tegnap voltam STOMP koncerten. Vegre 4 ev utan ide is eljutottam. Az elso 10 perc eleg uncsi volt, de aztan belelendultek es fergeteges volt a hangulat utana. Nagyon elveztem! Ha mennek megint Magyarorszagra, javaslom nezzetek meg az uj showt!

Ui: Nem nyertunk a lotton :)

I was at a Stomp concert yesterday. Finally, after 4 years I managed to see them. The first 10 minutes was quite boring but then they speeded up and the atmosphere was ferenetic after that. I truly enjoyed it! IF you have the chance to see their new show, go for it!

Ps: We did not win the lottery :)

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