Thursday 11 June 2009

Elek es virulok / I am happy and alive

Megvolt a 2 napos utam Fraser Islanden (szigeten), a vilag legnagyobb homokszigeten! Hihetetlenul gyonyoru volt, a vilag egyik legszebb es erdekesebb szigete ez tuti! Kepek, amint lesz rendes netem. Ma meg irany vissza Brisbane-be, csak persze megint lerobbant a busz, ugyhogy most van 1 oram meg...

I had my 2 days trip to Fraser Island, the world's biggest sand island! It was unbelievably spectacular, one of the world's most beautiful and interesting island, guaranteed! Pics as soon as I will have a more stable internet. Today I am heading back to Brisbane, but of course the bus is broken again, so I have another hour...

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