Monday, 27 October 2008

Kek Hegyseg / Blue Mountains

Az elmult het eleg erdekesen telt. A munkam javult sokat, hogy atvettem jopar feladatot a tobbiektol, szoval a het vegen mar elveztem is. Egyik este egy eloadason voltam az egyik egyetemen. A Nemzetkozi Kormanykozi Klimavaltozasi Tanacs (ENSZ testulet, tavaly ok kaptak a Nobel-dijat) elnoke adott unnepi beszedet es lattam egy eredeti ausztral diplomaoszto unnepseget is. Sajna nem csinaltam kepeket, de a ruhak nem semmik, olyanok mint Angliaban. A fo kulonbseg, hogy itt egy csomo poent elsutottek, szoval eleg laza hangulatu volt. Formalis, de humoros. Jo kombinacio. A beszed maga erdekes volt, de inkabb ilyen bevezeto a temaba. Fo Uzenet: Minel hamarabb kezdunk el valtoztatni az eletstilusunkon egy fenntarthatobb vilag erdekeben (ertsd max 5-8 even belul) es beleolni par szaz milliard dollart fejlesztesekbe (a kov 30 evben) annal kisebb lesz a visszafordithatatlan resze az eghajlatvaltozasnak. Ha nem valtoztatunk, hat, akkor nem biztos, hogy sokaig akarok elni. Az erdekes az volt benne, h nem vilagvege hangulata volt, hanem "Ezek a tenyek/szamok, valtoztassunk mi hetkoznapi emberek" Szimpatikus volt.

Penteken vettem egy turacipot szombatra a kirandulasra, jofajta Columbia akciosan + kaptam egy-ket tippet hol lehet megolcsobban venni dolgokat (azert szep lassan belejovok a dolgokba :D).

Szombat, hajnal 5:30 keles, el kell csipni a 6:26-os vonatot. Zuhi, pakolas, reggeli, szendvicskeszites majd egy olimpiai sprint es meg pont el is ertem a vonatot. Termeszetesen, hogy egy nap se teljen el 'kozlekedesi erdekessegek' nekul, hetvegen vagayfelujitas es zar volt az en vonalamon, szoval eltelt par perc 2 megallonal mire ki/megtalaltam, hogy akkor most nekem merre is kell majd mennem. De szerencsesen megerkeztem a kulvarosba, alig 10 perc kesessel :). Ott megismerkedtem par uj emberrel: egy spanyol csajszi (1 hete erkezett), 1 mexikoi srac (o itt van mar 3 eve), 1 ausztral srac (eleg ritkak manapsag Sydneyben :D) meg Marcin es en, igy mentunk el Katoomba-ba, ami a hegyseg hozzank kozelebb eso vegenel fekvo kis, aranyos hegyi telepules. Elso allomas az Echo Point (`Visszhang Pont`), hat a taj lenyugozo. Minden elenkzold a kornyeken, kicsit tavolabb pedig a para es a napsutes miatt mar turkizkeknek tunik, innen is jon a neve.

Bameszkodas, 5 perc tanakodas, h melyik osvenyen induljunk el, majd elindultunk. Sok minden erdekes tapasztalatra tettem szert ekozben...

- Tavolsag, uresseg: mi egy forgalmasabb utat valasztottunk; ertsd: a bejaratnal es a kijaratnal ugy 10-20 emberrel osszefutottunk. Kozte eltelt 6-7 oraban senki. Nincs terero sehol.

- Termeszet tisztelete. `Itt a ne nyulj semmihez!` alapszabaly, ha nem akarsz a/ baromi nagy fajdalmat atelni; b/ a+meghalni. Itt is el egy csomo halalos pok, kigyo stb, amik altalaban elkerulik azt a fel meteres savot/lepcsoket, amit itt turistautaknak hivnak (ld. kepek), de ha veletlenul osszefutsz veluk, akkor jobb beken hagyni oket. Erre kedvesen figyelmeztet is partiz tabla :)

Az elso 30 percben minden egyes poktol majd beszartam, aztan rajottem, hogy vagy megszokom oket, vagy ne menjek tovabb; ketto legalabb ingyen kurat kapok a pokiszonyom ellen. Hat egy oraval kesobb mar nem volt semmi gond, de azert nem simogatnek meg pokot.

Maga a tura kb 5000-6000 lepcso megmaszasabol allt, le es fel, megspekelve egy lenyugozoen gyonyoru, majdnem erintetlen tajjal, rengeteg vizesessel, fakkal, madarakkal (papagajok, kakaduk+egyeb kisebb-nagyobb, altalam ismeretlen szarnyas), kristalytiszta levegovel, nezzetek meg a kepeket, en minden masodik kanyarnal, mini-kilatonal megalltam bameszkodni, annyira szep volt. El is dontottem, hogy ide meg legalabb egyszer visszamegyek egy masik utonalat is megnezni.

Delutan, meg megneztuk a turistaverziojat is a hegysegnek, ertsd: minden szepen kiepitve, kerekesszekkel is meg lehet nezni (!), 3 fajta vasut (kabel, egi meg, meredek), szuvenirbolt, etterem, ami kell. Hat mi is megneztuk az egi vasutat: 3 perces ut a vizeses felett, uvegpadlos kabinban, szep volt, de semmi extra. Utana vissza is setaltunk a kocsihoz, majd irany haza. Masnap reggel kellemes izomlazzal ebredtem, ami meg ma is tart. :)

Last week was quite interesting. The job improved a lot that I took over some duties from my colleagues, so I very much enjoyed it by the end of the week.

One fo the evenings I was at a lecture at one of the universities here. The President of the Intergovernmental Climate Change Council (UN body, last year were awarded with the Nobel-prize) had a ceremonial speech and I saw a traditional australian degree ceremony as well. Unfortunately I did not make any pictures, however these were the funkiest clothes ever, same as in England. The main difference is that they were joking all the time, so it was quite cool. Formal, but funny. Good combination. The speech itself was interesting, but quite introductorz. Main message: The earlier we start changing our lifestyles for a sustainable world (meaning within max 5-8 yrs) and start investing some hundreds of billions of dollars (in the next 30 yrs), the lesser irreversabile effects will the climate change cause. If we won't change, then well, I am not too sure I wanna have a very long life. The most interesting in the lecture was, that it did not have an "end of the world" feeling, rather a "these are the facts and figures, ordinary people like us should start to do something about it". It was very symphatetic.

Friday I bought a new pair of boots for the trekking on Saturday, good Columbia with a discount, plus I got some more tips where can I buy stuff even cheaper )sooner or later I discover everything :)

I woke up at 5:30AM on Saturday, I had to catch by train at 6:26. Shower, breakfast. making sandwiches and an olympic run and I managed to catch the train. To further enrich my experience with the transportation here, there were road works and lane closures on the weekend, of course on my line, so it took some time at 2 stations while I managed to figure out where to go next. But I arrived to the suburbs safely, only with a 10 min delay :) There I met some new guys: a spanish girl (arrived a week ago), a mexican guy (arrived 3 yrs ago) and an australian guy (pretty rare in Sydney nowadays), plus Marcin and Me. This was the group who left for Katoomba, which is a pleasent village on the closer side of the mountains. First station was Echo Point, well the view was absolutely amazing. Everything is bright green, but looking from a bit further because of the humidity and the sunlight it looks blue, there we go, that's why it is called the Blue Mountains.

Wondering around, 5 minutes discussion on which path to go, then we left. I managed to gain valuable experiences meanwhile...

- Distance, emptiness: we chose a more frequently used path, meaning: at the entrance at the exit we met around 20 people. During the 6-7 hours in between nobody. And no network either.

- Respect for nature: Here the main rule is "Don't touch anything!", if you do not want to be a/ live a wonderfully hurting pain b/ a+die. There numerous deadly spiders here etc. which are usually not seen on that 50cm wide path/stairs which are called the tourist tracks (see pics), but if you accidentally meet them, well, you rather should leave them alone. There are some nice warning signs as well :)

In the first 30 minutes I was almost shitting in my pants by all spiders, then I realized that either I learn to live with it and stop here, plus I got a free therapy against my arachnophobia. Well, an hour later I did not have any problem anymore, however I would still not pet a spider.

The tour itself was about climbing app. 5000-6000 stairs, up and down, including a spectacular view, almost untouched nature, plenty of waterfalls, trees, birds (parrots, kakadus + some more smaller-bigger, unknown birds, at least for me), crystal clear air, check the pictures, I stopped at almost every second look out point and corner, just to look around and enjoy the view. I decided that I wanna go back there at least once more to see a different track as well.

In the afternoon we checked the tourist version of the mountain as well, meaning: everything is nicely paved, wheelchair accesible(!), 3 types of railway (cable, sky and steep), souvenir shop, restaurant, everything you want. Well, we took a ride on the skyrail as well: 3 minutes trip over a waterfall, glass-floored cabin, very nice, but nothing amazingly special. Then we walked back to the car and went home. A day after I woke up with a pain in my muscles that lasted for some days :)

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Elmenyek a napokban / Experiences over the last days

Csak nehany erdekesebb:

1. Lattam csotanyt. Nagyot. Az allatkertben. Olyan 6-7 centi hosszu, 2-3 centi szeles. Hetfon azt hittem mozog a mobiltoltom. Hat nem az volt. 2-szer megtapostuk, kidobtuk az ablakon, majd elszaladt. Lakotarsak azt mondtak nem tul gyakori, de elofordul nyaranta 1-2. Hat en meg fel...

2. Jelentkeztem bankkartya #2-ert, amivel lehet neten vasarolni, de nem hitelkartya meg. 30 perc adminisztracio, majd kiderul, hogy ilyet csak helyi lakosoknak lehet meg tartozkodasi engedellyel. Ok. Akkor lehet-e hitelkartyat igenyelni ugy, h csak 1 honapja vagyok itt? Persze, azt lehet! Szoval a sajat penzemet nem kolthetem, de a banket azt igen. Mar ertem miert van hitelvalsag... (megjegyzes: 2 munkanap alatt a bank is rajott, h ez igy talan nem okes, es oltari nagy marhasagot csinalnak, szoval ma felhivtak, hogy megkaphatom a netes bankkartyat is. Hurra. persze ettol meg mehet melle a hitelkartya is, ha minden rendben lesz. Majd kiderul.)

Some interesting things:

1. I saw a cockroach. A HUGE one. In the Wildlife Park. App. 6-7 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. On Monday I thought my mobile charger is moving. Well it was not the charger. We stepped on it twice. Then threw it out on the window, we saw it running away. Flatmates said it is quite rare, but not unusual, last year they had 1-2 as well. Well, I would rather skip it.

2. I applied for my second card, namely a debit. With that you can shop online, but it is not a credit. After 30 minutes administration it turns out that only residents and citizens can have it. Smart. Then can I have a credit card please, although I am here for only a month? Of course! So I cannot spend my own money, but the banks... Now I understtand why we have the financial crisis (comment: in 2 days the bank realised as well that it is a bit stupid, and it they are complete idiots, so today they called me, that I can get the debit card. Yuppee. But just in case they will continue processing my credit card application as well and they will decide soon. We will see.)

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Kiallitas / Sea Exhibition

Most szombaton a tengerparton voltam, megneztem a hires Bondi Beach-et (en sose hallottam rola elotte, de allitolag Sydney leghiresebb strandja). Kellemes 25-27 fok volt, enyhe szello, szoval egy 2 orat voltunk ott napozni - nagyon szep hely (kepek fenn). Mivel itt egymast erik a strandok, Sydney keleti oldalan van egy un. Coastal Walk (kb. "Tengerparti setaut"), ahol szepen vegig lehet setalni. Na itt voltak a tenger ihlette szobrok ugy 120 darab. Hat lenyugozo volt. Nemcsak a szobrok, hanem maga a taj is, sziklak, alga, novenyzet, tenger... Lattunk balnakat is, mert a tenger tele volt planktonnal, szoval jottek enni, olyan 2 km-re lehetett 6-8 egyed, spricceltek a vizet, ugrottak, meg igy a tavolbol is nagyon szep volt es eleg ritka jelenseg. Szoval megsporoltam a balna nezo turat :) Este meg elmentem az itteni IMAX moziba, a Batman filmet megnezni (harmadszorra). Allitolag ez a legnagyobb a vilagon. Hat bakker, ez nem volt semmi (gondoltam Agi am rad elotte). A "vaszon" 5 emelet magas, egesz pontosan 29,42m*35,73-es, ami azt jelenti hogy olyan 10m-rol nezve konkretan az egesz latoteret betolti, hat ez is lenne a lenyege. Tueles kep, bele lehet szabalyosan szedulni a latvanyba (plane a helikopteres jeleneteknel, olyan mintha beleesnel a filmbe), szoval iszonyatosan megerte, allitolag az uj Harry Potternek is lesz IMAX verzioja, tuti elmegyek megnezem majd. Remelem otthon is bemutatjak majd ezeket. Vasarnap csak mostam, takaritottam, aludtam (penteken meg csaptunk egy hazibulit, szoval ramfert), meg talalkoztam az elso magyar szarmazasuval, konkretan egy isteni pizzeria tulaja kb 5 perc setara tolunk :) Szoval ehen sem fogok halni mar :)

Megvan a karacsonyi programom is vegre, megvettem a jegyeket Uj-Zelandra, 12 nap a deli szigeten, jo lesz, jo lesz :) Ha valakinek van otlete mit erdemes megnezni, szoljon, cserebe csinalok rola kepet :D Jo uzlet, nem?

Most hetvegen meg a Kek Hegysegbe megyunk valszeg, bar meg ki tudja... Majd jelentkezem.

This Saturday I was at the beach, I checked the famous Bondi Beach (I have never heard of it before, but people say here this is the most famous beach in Sydney). It was a pleasant 25-27 degrees, soft breeze, so we were taking sunbath for around 2 hours - very great place (pics uploaded). Because there are lots of beaches here (surprising for an Island...), there is a path called Coastal Walk on the eastern part of Sydney. Well, the Sea Sculptures were here, around 120 pieces. This was amazing. Not only the sculptures, but the landscape itself, with the rock formations, algae, flowers, sea... I saw whales as well, because the sea was full with planctons, so they came to eat, we saw around 6-8 of them at a distance of 2kms. They sprayed water, jumped and it was quite interesting even from this distance as it is quite rare. So I saved the money of the whale watching trip :) During the evening i went to the local IMAX, to watch the Batman movie (for the 3rd time). Supposedly this is the largest IMAX in the world. Guys, this is something!!! The screen was 5 floor big, 29,42m*35,73 to be exact. So it means that watching it from around 10 metres it covers all your sight, well this would be the point too. Crystal clear picture and you can get dizzy watching it, especially at the helicopter scenes, when you are watching it from above, it seems you are falling into the movie), so it bloody worth it. I have heard that thenew Harry Potter movie will have IMAX version as well, I will go watch it for sure. I hope they will show it at home as well. On Sunday I was only cleaning, washing, sleeping (we had a home party on Friday, so I needed it). Also I met with the first person with Hungarian origins here, she owns a cool pizza place 5 min walk from us. So for sure I will not die of famine :)
I have my christmas programme as well, I bought the tickets to New Zealand, we will spend 12 days on the southern island, it will be fun :) If you have any good idea where to go, what to see, just drop me a line. In exchange I will make some pictures for you :) It is a good bargain, isn`t it? :D
This weekend we will probably go to the Blue Mountains, but it might change as well, who knows... Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Sydney Akvárium / Sydney Aquarium

Mult vasárnap még elmentem a Sydney Akváriumba. Ez az egyik képen rajta is van, amit még az irodából csináltam. Elég nagy volt, rengeteg akvárium, 2 nagy medence és hatalmas választék. A kacsacsőrű emlőstől kezdve a cápán át a bohóchalig (Nemo nyomában) minden volt, csináltam pár képet, de ezt látni kell. A fél centistől az 5 méteresig minden méretű állat volt itt. Nézzétek meg a képeket. A kedvenceim:
1. Kacsacsőrű emlős. Hogy egy klasszikust idézzek "Istennek van humorérzéke" (gy.k. Gyalog-galopp) Szerintem tök aranyos, 30 centis jószág kb. mintha a kacsa és a hód keveréke lenne.
2. Polip. Be van téve pár kütyü az akváriumába, mert állítólag kíváncsi állat, szeret felfedezni dolgokat. ÉS ezt rendszeresen cserélik is neki.
3. Mini-pingvin. A világ legkisebb pingvine, nagyon aranyos, de ugyanolyan "Dögölj meg azonnal!" tekintete van, mint a koalának. Apropó: egy halon látszik mit eszik. Ha nagy kerek bamba szemei vannak, tuti növényevő. Ha kis/nagy, de sunyi, akkor tuti ragadozó. B opció: dugd be a kezed :)
4. Fókák, teknősök. Szimplán aranyosak :)
5. 70 centis rák. A világ legnagyobb rákja/homárja, filmekben szokott lenni, ami egy egész tányért foglal. Na ezt is láttam.

Mondom még ezer fajta cucc volt itt, ezek ragadtak meg, de nagyon megérte elmenni, lehet visszamegyek majd még máskor is.

Utána meg - mivel csomagban meg lehet nézni a mellette lévő "World Wildlife Park" nevű helyet is (kb egy fedett vadaspark), hát oda is elmentem. Itt is több ezer állat, nem részletezném. A főbb élmények:

1. Van koalás fényképem :) Szerintem a GDP 1%-át az teszi ki, hogy ezekkel fényképezkednek a turisták. Jah, és rotáció van, pár óránként más koalával fényképezkedik az ember/simogat meg, mert alapból elég mogorva kis jószágok, nem szeretik, ha tapizzák őket meg stresszesek is lesznek tőle (a gondozó mondta), néha karmolnak is (engem nem szerencsére), de nagyon finom puha a bundájuk. Szerintem akoalák csak a szemmel-verés képessége miatt vannak még életben, egy ragadozó rájuk néz "kicsi, szőrős, lassú de úgy néz, h mindjárt meghalok, biztos vmi nem kerek vele" azt elmegy a ragadozó. Vagy mint a durcás kisunoka, akire rászabadítanak 500 nagymamát egy nap, h megtapizza, ölelgesse stb. Tuti én is bestresszelnék.
2. Láttam pókokat. NAGY pókokat, a legtöbbje a világ legmérgesebbje/legnagyobbja (pl. fekete özvegyek, vmi ásópók stb). Azt a részt annyira nem élveztem.
3. Az egyik képen van egy struccszerű, fekete testű madár. Na, ez a madár, ha kihalna, akkor az ausztrál esőerdők jó 80%-nak befellegzett, ugyanis a madár kakija az egyetlen dolog, amiben a magjaikat be tudják porozni. Nem egy életbiztosítás. (Európában/Amerikában kb. a méh ugyanez)
4. Volt egy csomó papagáj, pillangó stb. szép színesek.
5. Lehetett simogatni kígyót (ezt kihagytam), meg abból is itt volt a világ 10 legveszélyesebbje, szerencsére nagyobb esélyed van egy villámcsapásra, mint hogy ezekkel összefuss/megharapjanak vagy kolosszális hülye vagy és direkt hergeled őket.
6. Ausztraliaban több az éjjel aktív állat, mint a nappali!
7. Egy hangya itt akár 2 centis is lehet (és atengerparton is vígan összefuthatsz velük, nem csak az állatkertben)

Hát innen ezek ragadtak meg, ez nem tetszett annyira mint az akvárium, ettől függetlenül ez is nagyon király volt, majd elmegyek egy állatkertbe is valamikor, hogy még több érdekes állatot lássak (abból van itt elég)

Last Sunday I went to the Aquarium in Sydney. You can see it from on one of the pictures that I took from the office. It was pretty big, lots of aquariums, 2 big pools and a great variety of species. Starting from platypus, including sharks, ending with clownfishes (Finding Nemo) they had everything, I made some pics, but you have to see this. They had animals from 5 mm to 5ms, all size. Check the pictures. My favourites:

1. Platypus. To quote a classical “God has a sense of humour” (for less educated people: Monty Python and the Holy Grail J) I think it is a quite, 30 cm long puppy, looks like a duck mixed with a beaver.
2. Octopus. There are some colorful stuff in the aquarium, because they are quite curious and like to discover new things. And of course these stuff is changed regularly.
3. Mini-penguin. The smallest penguin in the world, very cute, and it has the same “Die instantly!” looks as the koala. By the way: on a fish you can see what it eats. If it has big, booby, rounded eyes, it is obvious it is eating plants. If it has small/big, sneaky eyes, than it is a carnivore. Plan B: put your finger in the water and wait 5 seconds to decide :D
4. Seals, turtles. They are just simply nice J
5. 70 cm lobster. This is the biggest lobster of the world, it is usually on movies, cooked and filling a whole plate. Well I saw this as well.

As I told you, there were another thousand type of stuff there, I remember these, but it did very much worth to go there, I might go back later as well.

Later on I went to the Sydney World Wildlife Park as well (which is a covered small zoo) – because you can visit the 2 in a package. There were thousands of animals here too, I would not go into details. The best experiences:

1. I have a pic with a koala J I assume at least 1% of the AUS GDP is coming from the price of pics tourists are making with koalas. Ohh and there is a rotation, after a few hours they change the photo/pet-koalas, because by default they are quite groomy, they do not like if they are touched or petted and they become stressful too (the zookeeper told me this). Sometimes they scratch (luckily not me) and they have a very nice, soft fur. I am convinved that they are alive solely because of the fact that they can almost kill with their sights, so when a predator looks at them thinks “ohh, slow, nice and furry, but it stares at me that I am almost dieing, it has nuts, so I am leaving”. Or like a peevish grandchild whos threatened by 500 grandma`s who wanna touch and play with him. Surely I would be stressed as well.

2. I saw spiders, BIG spiders, most of them are the most poisonous/biggest in the world (eg. Several types of black widows, digging spiders). I did not enjoy this part that much.

3. On one of the pics you can see a big black bird, almost like an ostrich. Well, if theis bird would extinct, than a good 80% of aussie rainforest would go with him as the poo of this bird is the only material which helps the trees to spread their seeds. Not a good life-insurance. (In Europe/America the honeybee is almost the same)

4. There were lots of butterflies and parrots, nice coloured ones.
5. You had the chance to pet a snake as well (I skipped it) and of course they showed the 10 most dangerous on the world , luckily you have a bigger chance to get caught by a lightning then to meet them/got bitten by them or you are a colossal idiot and you purposely making them angry

6. In Australia there are more animals who are active during the night then during the day.

7. Here an ant can be 2 cms long (and you can meet them not only in the zoo, but at the beach as well)

Well, these are my most important memories, I did not like it as much as the aquarium, but besides this it was awesome, I will go to the big zoo as well sometimes to see more interesting animals (they have plenty)

Orosz modszer / Russian method

Tegnap este gondoltam az `orosz modszerrel` megprobalom megszerelni a laptopomat. 2 kezre fogtam, jo erosen megraztam, kozben karomkodtam, hogy jobb legyen a hatas... eeees.... na ki mire tippel??? Igen, mukodott :) Oromomben gyorsan felhivtam par embert, es kerestem hordozhato vinyot arulo boltokat, hogyha megegyszer sikerul eletet lehelnem a szerviz elott a cuccba, akkor le tudjak menteni mindent. na ezt ma sikerult is veghezvinnem, sajna atlagaron kaptam, de hat nagyon kellett. Vettem koptetot ism, mert erzem, hogy robban be a torkom, szerintem ebben is sutyiban el van rejtve valahol 2g arany az ara alapjan. (Amugy reggel a laptop megint nem indult, szoval este megint megprobalom az orosz modszert)

Yesterday I decided to fix my laptop with the `russian methodology`. I grabbed it with both hands, shaked it strongly and I was swearing meanwhile to strengthen the effect...aaaand... guess what? It worked :) I was so happy that I called a few people and started to search for portable hard drives to save all my data if my dear laptop decides not to boot again. Today I managed to do that, at an okay price (well, I needed it ASAP :() I bought medicine for my coughing as well. I think there is some gold hidden in it based on the price. (Btw. my laptop did not boot in the morning again, so tonight I will try the russian method again)

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Persze / Of course

Ma reggel a laptopom nem volt hajlando bootolni. Kb 30-szor probaltam meg o is magatol (erre ebredtem). Szoval egy ideig nem leszek valszeg elerheto, jovo heten viszem szervizbe, aztan jelentkezem (lakotarsak gepet probalom addig hasznalni). Jah es megfaztam. Ez nem az en hetvegem...

Today morning my laptop did not want to boot. I tried around 30 times, the laptop itself tried around 20 times as well ( I woke up because of this). So for a while I might not be available, I will try to make it repaired next week. (I try to use my flatmates laptop till that). Ohh and I got a cold. This is not my weekend...

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Jervis Bay

Hat eltelt megint egy het. (meg lassan megegy) Munka lassan bemelegszik, bar finoman szolva sem szakadok meg...még (ez a het mar kemenyebb volt kicsivel). Csak, hogy a legfontosabb dolgokat emlitsem: ettem sushit (sushi vonatrol - megy korbe a sushi te meg azt szeded le, amelyik tetszik es folyamatosan toltik fel), japan sult rizst, fish&chipset (sult tengeri hal, krumplival - finom volt), foztem carbonara-t, indiai butter chicken-t (tokre kikapcsol melo utan :)) es lassan mar nem vasalok uj elt az ingeimbe :)

Emellett a mult hetvegen ismet utaztunk, most Jarvis Baybe. Ez egy obol, ahol - allitolag - a vilag legfeherebb homokja talalhato (sajna nincs meg eleg osszehasonlitasi alapom, h megerositsem, de majd dolgozom az ugyon :) es tobb nemzeti park veszi korul / nyulik bele. Szoval a kulonbozo szinu, fajtaju papagajok napi vendegek voltak az udvaron/utcan, ami nagyon jol hangzik, de amikor reggel 7-kor korusban elkezdenek `csipogni` az mar nem olyan jo buli. Mielott elindultunk volna, meg delelott lenyomtunk egy Review Boardot interjuztatokent (AIESEC-es cucc, ez a par ember donti el ki mehet a szakmai gyakorlatra es ki nem), tok jo emberek voltak, 5/3-at at is engedtunk :).

Aztan elindultunk 13-an 3 autoval es kozel 7 ora utazas utan oda is ertunk. Ezalatt megalltunk meg megnezni a hires `Blow hole`-t Kiama-ban (ami allitolag a vilag legnagyobbja), ami egy lyuk egy sziklaban, ami ala befolyik az ocean es ha eleg magas a vizszint, akkor mint egy gejzirbol, kicsap a viz. Koszonhetoen az apalynak es annak, hogy sotet volt mar mire odaertunk, ezt csak elmeletben tudom...

Jarvis Bayen egy hazat bereltunk vmi faluban. Mivel a srac, aki foglalta otthon hagyta a pontos cimet es a kontaktot, hogy kit is kell hivni, ha vmi gond van (peldaul nem talaljuk a kulcsot, ami valahol a haz korul volt leteve), igy az emlekek alapjan probaltunk tajekozodni. Elsore melle lottunk (kicsit vicces volt, amikor 6 ember rohangal este 10-kor egy haz korul egy kulcsot keresve, majd kiderul, hogy huupsz, rossz haz - masnap pedig egy idos bacsi nyirta ott a fuvet...), de masodikra meglett a mi hazunk - kulccsal egyutt (3 haloszoba, konyha, nappali, kert, fedett veranda :). Kis ivaszat (ivos jatekokkal fuszerezve, melyben a csapatommal abszolut bajnokok lettunk 5/5 meccset nyertunk :), gitarozas, enekeles, azt hajnal 3-4 fele mar el is mentunk aludni :)

Masnap egy korai 10-es keles utan lementunk a tengerpartra furdeni (jo szerencsenknek koszonhetoen esett - szombaton, vasarnap es hetfon is fel nap), a viz nem volt olyan veszes 20 fok koruli, szoval ha mozogtunk, annyira nem fagytunk meg. 3 ora utan miutan mindenki ehes volt, mint allat, gyorsan el is mentunk ebedelni (tenger gyumolcsei tal, krumplival - lassan kezdem megszeretni a tengeri kutyuket, nem mintha lenne mas valasztasom). Aztan, hogy lassunk is valamit, elmentunk az egyik kozeli nemzeti parkba (itt a kornyeken volt ugy 6). A nemzeti parkot ugy kell elkepzelni, hogy autoval kell korbevezetni, szepen ki van tablazva minden es kis erdei utakon jutsz le a tengerpartra (kepek fenn). Hat, abban maradtunk, hogy kibaszott nagy szemetseg ennyi termeszeti csodat ilyen kis helyre osszezsufolni, meg ennyi mindent egy orszagnak/kontinensnek adni. Szoval tatott szajjal meg nagy irigyseggel nezegettunk mindent, meg is beszeltuk paran, hogy visszamegyunk majd kempingezni oda vmikor.

A sok nezelodes utan este `barbie-ztunk` (barbecue=grillezes ausztral modra), sutottunk marha steaket, virslit, csirket stb, kis sali, kis bor/sor, szoval jol indult az este. Kesobb az egyik srac chilei ismerosei jovoltabol - akik szinten velunk voltak vegig- megismerkedtunk egy Tarita nevu ivos jatekkal (AIESEC-eseknek, hasonlit a Bitches, bitches-re), amivel hajnal haromra ismet mindenki kidolt, mindenesetre, ha hazamegyek meg kell mutatnom, roppant humoros egy jatek.

Hetfon sajna indulni kellett haza, de ugy dontottunk elotte meg megnezzuk a `Hetmerfoldes tengerpartot` (ahogy azt mar irtam, az ausztralok nagyon kreativak am a nevekben). Termeszetesen azon a reszen pont esett, ugyhogy valoban csak megneztuk. Mit is csinaljunk, hires helyek vannak a kornyeken dogivel, nezzuk meg a Kenguru-volgyet! (Kinek van otlete ez mirol lehet hires??? haha, melle, a wombatokrol! :) Szoval a nevevel ellentetben a Kenguru-volgyben alig vannak kenguruk (csak kettot lattunk), viszont wombatok vannak dogivel, aranyos allatok, bar a kempingezok mondtak, h neha eleg pofatlanok, bemasznak satrakba stb.

Hat ennyi lett a tura vegul, indulni kellett haza. Azert, h az se legyen olyan monoton, az autopalyan a dugoban vettuk eszre, h fogy a benzin kemenyen es eg a kis lampa (szoval legkondi ki, kocsi uresbe lejton lefele) es imadkoztunk, h legyen vmi varos/benzinkut emberi tavolsagon belul. (itt ez nem evidencia) Szerencsenkre talaltunk egyet ugy 10 km-re, szoval nem kellett hazaig setalni.

Ezen a hetvegen asszem itthon maradok, mert ma eros fejfajassal es kis kohogessel ebredtem, szoval lehet megfaztam. Legalabb lesz idom elmenni az allatkertbe vagy az akvariumba :)

Well, another week has passed. (and another one J). Job started to warm up a bit, but I am not overwhelmed, not even abit J (although this week was a bit tougher). Just to mention the most important things: I ate sushi (from a sushi train – the sushi is going around and you pick that you like and it is constantly refilled), japanese fried rice, fish&chips (fried, sea fish with french fries – it was tasty), I cooked spaghetti carbonara and indian butter chicken (No Karuna, not by myself, but a tinned one J) it is very relaxing after work and slowly I am not ironing a new edge into my shirts J

Nevertheless, we travelled last weekend as well, now to Jervis Bay. This a bay (surprisingly), where – we were told – the sand is the whitest int he world. (Unfortunately I haven’t seen enough beaches to compare, but I am working on it J) and it is surrounded by several national parks. So the different types and colored parrots were everyday guests there, which sounds fun, but when they wake you up at 7AM with their sound, it is not that funny. Before we left Sydney, we interviewed some people at the Review Board, there were really good people, 3/5 passed as well. J

So we left Sydney, 13 of us with 3 cars and after almost 7 hours of travelling we arrived. Meanwhile we stopped to see the world-famous „Blow Hole” in Kiama (which supposedly the biggest in the world), which is a hole in the rocks, beneath there is a cave and water flows under it. So when it is high enough, water is blowing out like from a geysir. Thanks to the ebb and darkness, I know it from theory only. (check stolen pic above)

We rented a house in Jervis Bay, in some random village. The guy, who booked it forgot to bring the exact address and the details of the contact person (whom he supposed to call in case we do not find the keys or so), we tried to find our way based on memories. We missed for the first time (it was quite funny when 6 people were running around in the garden, searching for a key, then it turns out that, ooops, it is the wrong house…and next day an old guy was moing the lawn there J), but for the second we found it! (3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, garden, sun room). Some drinking, (spiced with drinking games, and my team ended up as ultimate winners, winning 5/5 rounds J), playing on the guitar, singing and then we went to bed around 3-4AM.

Next day after an early wake up at 10, we went to the beach for some swimming (thanks to out luck it was raining on Saturday, Sunday and half Monday as well), but the water was not that cold, around 20 degrees, so when we moved we were not freezing that much. After 3 hours everybody became desperately hungry, so we went to eat (mixed seafood with fries – slowly I get used to seastuff, not only I don’t have another choice). Then, to see some stuff as well, we drove to the neighbouring national park (we had approx. 6 around). You should imagine the park that you have to drive around, everything is nicely signed and you have to take narrow forest paths to get to the beach (pics uploaded). Well, we decided that it is a big fuckup to put so many natural wonders into such a small place and giving so many things to only one country/continent. So we saw everything with an opened mouth and with big jealousy, thus decided to go back sometimes for a cool camping.

After all the sights, we had a „barbie” during the evening, be did steak, sausages, chicken etc. with some salad, wine/beer, so the evening started well. Later, thanks to one of the chilien friend of a friend (with whom we stayed), we were introduced a drinking game named „Tarita” (similar to Bitches, bitches), which made us die by 3AM, however when I will go home, I will have to show it, it is very funny J

Unfortunately on Monday we had to come back home, but we decided to check the „7-mile Beach” first (I already wrote about the creative aussie names). Surely it was raining at that place, so we really just checked it. What to do when we are around so many famous places? Well, let’s check the Kangaroo valley? (Do you know of what it is famous? haha, you missed, of wombats J) So, against its name suggests, there aren’t many kangaroos in the valley, but there is a huge wombat population, they are cute, however people who were camping said, they are quite rude, they go into tents etc.

Well, that was the end of the tour, we had to go home. But to make it a bit more interesting, we realized only in the traffic jam on the highway, that our gas is running out (thx small red lamp!) (so A/C off, car to neutral down) and preying for a town with a gas station nearby (which is not that evident here). Luckily we found ina pp. 10 kms, so we did not have to walk home.

This weekend I will stay at home, because I woke up with a horrible headache and I am coughing as well, so I might got a cold. At least I will have some time to go to the aquarium or to the zoo.