Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Orosz modszer / Russian method

Tegnap este gondoltam az `orosz modszerrel` megprobalom megszerelni a laptopomat. 2 kezre fogtam, jo erosen megraztam, kozben karomkodtam, hogy jobb legyen a hatas... eeees.... na ki mire tippel??? Igen, mukodott :) Oromomben gyorsan felhivtam par embert, es kerestem hordozhato vinyot arulo boltokat, hogyha megegyszer sikerul eletet lehelnem a szerviz elott a cuccba, akkor le tudjak menteni mindent. na ezt ma sikerult is veghezvinnem, sajna atlagaron kaptam, de hat nagyon kellett. Vettem koptetot ism, mert erzem, hogy robban be a torkom, szerintem ebben is sutyiban el van rejtve valahol 2g arany az ara alapjan. (Amugy reggel a laptop megint nem indult, szoval este megint megprobalom az orosz modszert)

Yesterday I decided to fix my laptop with the `russian methodology`. I grabbed it with both hands, shaked it strongly and I was swearing meanwhile to strengthen the effect...aaaand... guess what? It worked :) I was so happy that I called a few people and started to search for portable hard drives to save all my data if my dear laptop decides not to boot again. Today I managed to do that, at an okay price (well, I needed it ASAP :() I bought medicine for my coughing as well. I think there is some gold hidden in it based on the price. (Btw. my laptop did not boot in the morning again, so tonight I will try the russian method again)

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